Volume: 500 ml
Purpose: excessively hardened skin.
Active components: 20% Urea
• softens the excessively hardened skin
• allows quick and easy removal of hardened skin, corns, calluses and other callosities
• shortens duration of pedicure treatment
Protect your hands with latex gloves. Apply a covering layer of gel, coating the entire surface of the hardened skin or onto selected hardened places on the heels, and corns and calluses. After 5-10 minutes remove any excess gel with a disposable towel. Application time depends on the thickness of the calloused epidermis. Subsequently, you should be able to remove the hardened skin or calluses and corns with a pedicure file drill or foot file. Finish by rinsing the feet with water.
Product recommended for use during both dry and wet pedicure treatment, as well as to soften the nails.
CAUTION! Avoid contact of the product with normal, soft skin.
In case of contact of the gel with the eyes, immediately thoroughly rinse the eyes with cold water.